
LOT 1505
SOLD €100,00

[Trade catalogues] Two publications and many additions: (1) Jubileumalbum N.V.V.V.

Herinnering aan het 3e lustrum der Nederlandsche Vereeniging van IJzerhandelaren. Aangeboden door de ontvangende afdeling Noord-Holland en Utrecht (...). Toasten en humoristische portretten. Krabbeltjes van Hahn Jr. en bijschriften van J.W. v. Wetering. Amsterdam, Geyer, 1923 (printed by Waalwijksche Stoomdrukkerij Antoon Tielen), 130 p., with many illustrations and advertisements, original gold-printed cordbound cardboard, oblong 4to.

Very rare, PiCarta lists a description but with indication "unavailable". With inlaid, unused proof of receipt and the union song. Furthermore with added more than 20 pieces of '20s and '30s printed N.V.V.V. ephemera, such as the Statuten (1929), Mededeelingen, forms and a list of members with many corrections in pen; (2) De Keppelsche IJzergieterij voorheen Van der Horst & Aberson te Keppel. Publisher's catalogue, ca. 1880-1900, with table of contents (3 p.) followed by more than 250 mostly handnumbered (folding) plates (numbering up to 208 but many plates also alphabetically numbered, e.g. 38a to z and 38aa to ii, several numbers omitted), with numerous illustrations of all possible hardware, original half cloth, folio. With 4 inserted ephemeral printed works of the Keppelsche IJzergieterij concerning skylights. This model book not in PiCarta, which does however mention "Modelboek II" (40 p.) from the '30s, with note: "Aanvulling op het groote, oude modelboek" [which we have here?]. The foundry was the oldest in the Netherlands, founded in 1689 (total 2 books and ca. 30 pieces of printed ephemera).

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