[Catchpenny prints] "Gebed tot den H. Johannes Nepomecenus in alle particuliere nooden."
Contemp. thumb-coloured catchpenny print with one single large woodcut, sheet size 37.5 x 31 cm, Venlo, Wed. H. Bontamps, 1818, with laudatory verse in two columns below, unnumbered.
Central horizontal fold; right blank margin lacks small portion; a few small (pin)holes and marginal tears. A good copy for this kind of print. Boerma, Borms et al, Kinderprenten, volksprenten, centsprenten, schoolprenten. Populaire grafiek in de Nederlanden 1650-1950, p. 143-145 and p. 721, list of Wed. Bontemps, Venlo en Geldern. Cf. plates 10, 12 and 13. De Meyer p. 79-80, and listed in the Bontemps cat.