[Catchpenny prints] 2 prints by J. Robyn: (1) 't Is Paasch-Feest, dat is ligt te merken;
Daar Jannetje de Koopvrouw zeit, dat zy door yverig te werken, de Palm-Paasch sieraên heeft bereid (...)." Contemp. handcol. catchepenny print with one single woodcut signed J. Robyn, with letterpress text above and below, sheet size 39 x 33.5 cm, Zaltbommel, J. Noman, (c. 1820), numbered "No. 183" in upper right corner.
Dam. on fold at the left-hand side and a few smaller holes affecting the woodcut; blank margins lack a few portions; fully backed. Boerma, Borms et al, Kinderprenten, volksprenten, centsprenten, schoolprenten. Populaire grafiek in de Nederlanden 1650-1950, p. 234-238 and list Noman en Noman & Zoon 183; De Meyer p. 241 ff and Noman cat. 183, Stichter cat. 27. Rare Easter catchpenny print, originally cut by J. Robyn for Stichter in Amsterdam circa 1780. Noman purchased Stichter's stock in 1817. And 1 other catchpenny print with 4 woodcuts by J. Robyn depicting playing children, published in Amsterdam by Wed. C. Stichter, numbered "No. 21" in upper right corner (damaged). (total 2)