[Hard liquor etc.] Lot with 7 items
Hochhäuser Schmidtrum mus es sein. J.C. Schmidt, Flensburg, advertisement on cardboard, ca. 1930. 36 x 24 cm. + De Graauwe hengst, prima oude Genever, Daniël Visser & Zoonen, Schiedam. Proof. Design Jacob Jansma. 59 x 30 cm. Folded + Oude Jenever, van Kleef & Zoon. Stoomdistilleerderij 't Anker, The Hague. Ca. 1935. Lith. on cardboard, 46 x 30 cm. - and: Dobbelmann Covert halfzware shag, ca. 1950. Proof sheet for large packagings. 69 x 50 cm. - and 3 more.
(total 7)