Bruno Munari (1907-1998). I Prelibri.
Dodici piccoli libri di carta, di cartoncino, di cartone, di legno, di panno, di panno spugna, di friselina, di plastica trasparente; ognuno rilegato in modo diverso. Età 3/6 anni. 12 miniature books kept in an illustrated cardboard folder, small folio, the miniature books measure 10 x 10 cm., variously bound (spiral, leporello, etc.). Milano, Danese, 1980. (This fragile production in good condition, except for light damage to the interior transparent plastic that contains the actual small books).
A series of 12 booklets, produced in various manners and materials, kept in the original publisher's container-box. A very nice Munari production intended to acquaint young children with books before they have learned to read. With instructions, photographs and text by the author in Italian, English, French and German. The materials used include wood, raffia, fur, plastic, and many others. (See Munari, I Libri, 2002, page 154).