Leaf from an album amicorum, dated 1 February 1604.
Recto with drawing in pen with scene of a woman with whip sitting in a basket, drawn by a man, with on the left a Latin aphorism and on the right a German aphorism, reverse with Latin text in pen to Georg Neuber by his "collega scholae Winshemianae" Simon Nagetius with the aforementioned date, leaf size 9.5 x 16 cm.
Lovely and relatively early example of an album amicorum contribution, possibly in honour of a marriage. An engraving exists from ca. 1475-1480 by "Meester B X G" which almost certainly served as example for our drawing (however, in the engraving the woman has no whip), of that engraving only one copy has been preserved (Louvre). See for an image: 's Levens Felheid. De Meester van het Amsterdamse Kabinet of de Hausbuch-meester ca. 1470-1500, no. 102. The text of our album leaf contains various aphorisms such as "Transit honor, transit fortuna, pecunia transit; Mente deo similis, corpore transit homo" as such oft-occurring in that time. Also the motto of San Filippo Neri (1515-1595): "Spernere mundum, spernere nullum, spernere sese (?), spernere se sperni: quatuor ista beat" (to despise the world, to despise ourselves, and to despise the fact that we are despised (...)).