[Dutch Republic]
La grande Chronique ancienne et moderne de Hollande, Zelande, West-Frise, Utrecht, Frise, Overyssel & Groeningen, jusques a la fin de l'An 1600. Receuillee tant des histoires desdites Provinces, que de divers autres auteurs. Jean François le Petit. [2 volumes]. Dordrecht. Jacob Canin (and for the second volume) Guillaume Guillemot. 1601.
2 volumes, small folio, vellum, uniformly bound, titles on spine, two engraved title pages with allegorical scene and the portrait of the author by Christoffel van Sichem, (20),650,(2),240,(18) and (14),779,(15) pp., complete with numerous full-page engravings with title and inscription, all by C. van Sichem; shabby bindings, various ann., stamps on title pages (total 2).