Johann Matthias Hase (1684-1742). Two extremely rare series: (1) Plans des villes
qui passent pour les plus les plus [sic] grandes de l'antiquité et de nos jours : levés sur la nome echelle de sorte qu'on peut les comparer les unes avec les autres, et juger de leur diferente grandeur, avec beaucoup de precision, auquels ou a ajouté les monumens les plus distingués de l'ancienneté, pour servir à l'Histoire et à remplir les desirs du public par le sieur Jean Matth. Hasius (...). Nuremberg, Héritiers de Homann, 1745, engraved double-page title page with handcoloured border and details followed by 7 leaves with each 2 engravings, all but the engraving with scale bars handcoloured, large folio (leaf size ca. 56 x 66 cm.).
With on the title a list of the cities, incl. Amsterdam, Babylon, London, Nanjing, Nineveh, Paris, Beijing, Yedo and several Chinese cities, with their plans depicted after the plate with the scale bars on 7 numbered plates. The final 6 engravings depict the large pyramid in Egypt and the tower of Babylon, partly in relation to each other. Rare series, Worldcat lists in this form only one copy ("1 Kt. in 14 Bl."). There is a division into 3 sections, the next series possibly connects thereto:
(2) Tabulae IV. Imperii Francici vel Imp. Romano-Germanici f. Romani Occidentalis. Schema I-VII [en] Mappae VII. pro illustrandis Totidem Periodis Historiae Imperialis Sub Carolo M, Ottone I, Conrado II, Friderico II, Friderico III, Carolo V. et Carolo VI. Fragmentum est ex opere maiori posthumo Hasiona (...). Nuremberg, no publisher (Homann?), 1750, 14 half-page engravings on 7 leaves: 7 handcoloured maps besides 7 separately engraved legends with explanation of the colouring, large folio (leaf size ca. 55 x 62 cm.). Very rare, we were able to trace in libraries worldwide only one copy (Tübingen). Both series in very good condition (total 2 series on 8/ 7 leaves).