[Atlas. Von Spruner] Historisch-Geographischer Hand-Atlas
zur Geschichte Asiens, Africa's, America's und Australiens. Karl von Spruner. Gotha, Justus Perthes, 1855, 2nd ed. (2), 11 p., 18 double-page steel-engr. maps with handcol. outlines, orig. gilt halfcalf, folio. Binding worn/sl. dam., sl. foxed + Atlas Antiquus. Karl von Spruner. Gotha, Justus Perthes, 1855, 2nd. ed. 27 double-p. steel-engr. maps with handcol. borders, orig. gilt halfcalf, folio. Binding worn/sl. dam., minor foxing, a few pp. with minor waterst. in margins + Historisch-geographischer Hand-Atlas zur Geschichte der Staaten Europa's, vom Anfang des Mittelalters bis auf die neueste Zeit. Karl von Spruner, Gotha, Justus Perthes, 1854, 2nd ed. 73 double-p. steel-engr. maps with handcol. outlines, orig. gilt halfcalf, folio. Binding worn/sl. dam., minor foxing/browning - and 1 more.
(total 4)