[Delft. Van Bleyswijck] Beschryvinge der stadt Delft
betreffende des selfs situatie, oorsprong en ouderdom, opkomst en voortgangh, vermeerderinge van vryheydt en jurisdictie, domeynen en heerlijckheden, midtsgaders de stichtingen van alle hare publijcke gebouwen, ende wel insonderheyt de so menigvuldige kercken, kapellen, kloosteren, en andere kerckelijcke gestichten van outs aldaer geweest (...). By een gebragt ende beschreven door Dirck van Bleyswijck (...). Delft, A. Bon, 1667/ 1680, 2 parts w. continuous pagination in 1 vol., (24),486,(36); (2),487-891,(37) p., with engr. frontispiece by G. Wingendorp and 34 views and plates by C. Decker (w. address of P. Smith) (for the greater part (large) folding), loosely inserted EXTRA portrait of St. Joost (opposite p. 356), contemp. vellum lettered in manuscript on spine, 4to.
All plates present according to the binder's index at the end, but some in each other's place. Frontispiece and plates are not bound, but pasted on spine margins of text lvs. Frontisp. cut short and w. library stamps on verso (perhaps from another copy); outside views of the Oude and Nieuwe Kerck and text leaf Aa4 w. old restorations (sellotape etc.). A good copy of this extensive standard source on the city of Delft. Nijhoff/ Van Hattum 27. The fine, lively plates by Decker were also used as marginal views for the famous city plan "Kaart figuratief" (1675-1678).