Two rare works: (1) Catalogue raisonné de la Bibliothèque de M. L.V. Ledeboer.
Rotterdam, Van Hengel & Eeltjes, 1878, published in a very limited editon ("50 ex."), 388 p., original printed cardboard.
Paper across spine split (bookblock broken), top hinge reinforced and edges of boards worn. With pasted strip "De la part de M. L.V. Ledeboer", an old auction strip and stamped name M. Houthoff on endpapers. The size of the edition is listed in pencil below the colophon: "Ce catalogue, tiré à petit nombre, n'est pas mise en vente", the old auction strip too mentions only 50 copies.
(2) Catalogue des livres, incunables, manuscrits formant la bibliothèque de feu M. - A.M. Ledeboer (...) dont la vente publique aura lieu le 8 octobre 1888 et jours suivants à la maison de E.J. Brill, Oude Rijn, No. 33a, à Leide. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1888, 306 p., original wrapper. Important library with many rare early manuscripts and printings. Incl. a collection of printings by the printing family Van Waesberghe (Ledeboer had published on this family), a collection of Rotterdam printings and a collection of Elzevier editions (total 2 (very) rare catalogues).