[Reynard] Speculum vitae aulicae.
De Admirabili Fallacia et Astutia Vulpeculae Reinikes libri quatuor, nunc primum ex idiomate Germanico latinitate donati, adiectis elegantissimis iconibus veras omnium apologorum animaliumque species ad vivum adumbrantibus. Hartmann Schopper. Frankfurt am Main. [Nicolai Bassei] 1595.
12mo, half leather, rebound, new endpapers, title with large printer's mark, (12),(6),465,(17) pp. and complete with 57 charming woodcuts in the text by Jost Amman & Virgil Solis. 5th edition of this Latin printing by Hartmann Schopper. Schopper's translation of this popular epic beast fable is based on the anonymous High German adaptation from 1544 of the earlier Lubeck printing from 1498, which is based on 13th- and 14th-century manuscripts. Paging errors, sticker on endpaper, annotations on title, underlinings and annotations throughout the entire book; corner torn at pp. 71-75 with minimal loss to text on p. 75. Various (water) stains, else good.