Wouter Schoutens, Reys-Togten naar en door Oost-Indien;
in welke, de voornaamste landen, koningryken, steden, eylanden (...) naauwkeurig word beschreven. Doorgaans gemengt met veel vreemde voorvallen (...) Hier is nog by gevoegt Des autheurs gevaarlyke te rug-reys, in welke naauwkeuriger dan elders beschreven werd, de harde bejegening onzer Oost Indize Retour-Scheepen, in de haven van Bergen in Noorwegen door de Engelze in 't jaar 1665. Amsterdam. Gerrit Tielenburg & Jan 't Lam. 1740.
4to, vellum, arms on both boards, embroidery with stylised lily in corners in (partly worn-off) gilt stamping. Rebound, new endpapers, illustrated frontispiece with title and publisher (of 2nd edition) pasted, title in red and black with printer's mark (of this 3rd edition) pasted, (2),328,253 pp. + bladwijzer. Lacks the portrait of Schouten and the map; else complete with 47 engravings, folding, full-page and in the text.
Voyages to the East Indies from 1658 to 1665 with a series of folded panoramas of landscapes and cities such as Ambon, Bantam, Batavia and Makkasar (Indonesia), Colombo and Galle (Sri Lanka), Malacca and Negapatnam. His travel account includes among other things a number of interesting medical observations. Fair copy.