[Aceh Wars]
Onze oorlog in Atsjin. J.I. de Rochemont. Eerste deel (= all published). The Hague. Joh. Ykema. 1877. 8vo, photo of the author, large folding sketch map of Atsjin and bordering Noord-Sumatra, 332,XVI pp. + Atjeh en de Atjehers. Twee jaren blokkade op Sumatra's Noord-Oost-kust. J.A. Kruyt. Leiden. Gualth. Kolff. 1877. 8vo, complete with various sketch maps by C.H. Bogaert and 6 lithographs of which several in colour. Spine with minor damage, large map with tear, else good copy + Atjeh. Parlementaire redevoeringen van I.D. Fransen van de Putte. Schiedam. H.A.M. Roelants 1886. Lovely binding; author's presentation copy (on inserted sticker). Good copy.
And: Het Nederlandsch Oost-Indisch Leger ter Westkust van Sumatra. 1819-1845. [2 volumes]. Various pp. pasted at the end of volume II, map of the Alahan-Pandjang valley with tears, lacks large overview map of the west coast of Sumatra. Fair copies + offprint from De Tijdspiegel. 1874. De eerste expeditie tegen Atjih. A.J.A. Gerlach. Arnhem. D.A. Thieme. 1874 and: Atjeh. Verzameling van bulletins nopens de tweede expeditie. Batavia. Landsdrukkerij. 1874. 28 bulletins, being extraordinary issues of the Javasche Courant, folio-size plain half cloth binding with pasted title (total 7).