[Atlas. Berghaus] Dr. Heinrich Berghaus' Physikalischer Atlas
Eine, unter der fördernden Anregung Alexander's von Humboldt verfasstem Sammlung von 93 Karten, auf denen die hauptsächlichsten Erscheinungen der anorganischen und organishen Natur nach ihrer geographischen Verbreitung und Vertheilung bildlich dargestellt sind. Zweite, grösstentheils ungearbeitete und verbessterte Auflage. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1852, 2 vols., richly illustrated w. double-p. col. lithogr. maps (heightened w. gum), orig. unif. gilt-lettered and blindst. cloth, folio.
Foxed/ sl. browned throughout, else contents good. Bindings in used/ worn, rather poor condition with clumsy repairs. Acceptable, complete copy (all plates present according to the letterpress descriptions), from the library of A.P.M. de Kluijs (Tilburg), with his bookplate and several stamps at the beginning of both vols. Also with old bookseller's ticket of Boekhandel C.M. van Gogh (Leidsche Straat no. 370, Amsterdam) on upper pastedown of both vols. The atlas comprises the following sections (all w. separate titles, a few "maps" are actually letterpress plates): 1. Meteorologie und Klimatographie (1849, 15 maps); 2. Hydrologie und Hydrographie (1850, 16 maps); 3. Geologie (1850, 15 maps); 4. Tellurischer Magnetismus (1851, 5 maps); 5. Pflanzen-Geographie (1851, 8 maps). NOTE: Maps 7 and 8 were already included in the Meteorologischen Abtheilung, as maps 5b and 5c; 6. Thier-Geographie (1851, 12 maps); 7. Anthropographie (1852, 4 maps); 8. Ethnographie (1852, 19 maps). Maps 5-8 together form one large complete map of Europa; the description of map 19 follows that of map 12, the maps themselves are bound in numerical order.