[Nazi periodicals (Gleichschaltung)] Lot with ca. 115 items,
mostly issues of periodicals subject to Nazification from the war years, incl. some related printing and several pieces of correspondence.
Contains as most eye-catching item a typed letter with letterhead of Het Nationale Dagblad (see also below), signed in pen by M.M. Rost van Tonningen and dated 14 August 1937. Also issues of e.g. Berlijnsche Koerier (14 nos.), De Nederlandsche politie, Centrale Politie Federatie Nieuws, de Utrechtsche Courant (13 nos., 20 March to 3 May 1945, each issue a small sheet of paper of 17.5 x 13 cm. printed on one side), Het Nationale Dagblad (3 nos., April 1945, size similar to the previous), Algemeen Handelsblad (21 nos., 16 April to 4 May 1945 and an "Aan onze lezers" of 8 May 1945), de Nederlandsche Journalist (6 issues), Ontwakend Volk W.A. Nummer zaaimaand 1945, De Schouw, Imperator, De Waag, De Bundelaar (Aankondigingsblad van de N.S.B.) and Holland Ontwaak!