Ph. Funke's und G.H.C. Lippold's neuestes Natur- und Kunstlexicon,
die meisten, insbesondere aber die gemeinnützigsten Gegenstände aus der Naturgeschichte, Naturlehre, Chemie, Technologie und Oeconomie (...) neu bearbeitet, vermehrt und verbessert. Wenen, Von Hirschfeld etc., 1824-1827, 10 volumes, with 27 (of 29) (folding) engraved plates of which 10 handcoloured, contemporaneous with morocco letterpiece on spine.
Volume 10 lacks both plates, the remaining volumes each with 3 plates as indicated on the title page. Else a poor series, the final two volumes affected by damp, volume 4 with loose and frayed quire, etc. Sold w.a.f. (total 10 volumes).