[Netherlands. Van Royen] Antiquitates Belgicae of Nederlandsche oudtheden
zijnde d'eerste opkomst van Holland, Zeeland, 't Sticht, Utrecht, Overyzel, Vriesland, Brabant, Vlaanderen, enz. (...). Met konstprinten verciert. Amsterdam, Jacob van Royen, 1715. (16),224,(16) pp. Complete with 1 map, 17 full-page engravings, 7 engravings in the text, and 2 folding engravings, of which 1 damaged (another copy of the damaged engraving in undamaged condition loosely inserted). Contemporary vellum. Some waterstaining at the front also affecting title engraving and title, loosely inserted engraving stained, bookplate of F.C.W. Noorduyn to front flyleaf; some dam. to back board. Good copy. Added: a copy of the same from the 5th ed. Amsterdam, Gerrit Tielenburg, 1756. Complete with all plates, lacks text p. 11/12. Halfleather. Some soiling incl. title engraving, binding worn, renewed endpapers.
(total 2)