Three titles: (1) Recollections of an excursion to the monasteries of Alcobaça and Batalha
By the author of "Vathek" [W. Beckford]. London, R. Bentley, 1835, XI,(1),228 p., with steelengraved portrait, slightly later half morocco, ribbed back with morocco letterpiece (outer corners of boards worn).
Ex collection Gerrit Komrij (Portugal), number 439 in the Bubb Kuyper auction catalogue, November 2012; (2) An essay on New South Wales, the mother colony of the Australias. By G.H. Reid. Sydney etc., T. Richards etc., 1876, (2),VI,173,(2) p., with folding tinted lithographic profile of Sydney (21 x 158 cm.), large folding, lithographed map, modern half leather, gilt back with morocco letterpiece. Foxed; folding plates with small tears/ defects; (3) Relation d'un voyage fait a la grotte de Han au mois d'Aout 1822; par M.M. Hicks et Quetelet; avec des notices sur plusiers autres grottes du pays. Brussels, P.J. de Mat, 1823, (4),96,4 p., with large folding, lithographed plan of the caves and 4 folding, lithographed plates, contemporary half morocco. Ex bibliotheca 2de Afdeling Infanterie, with scattered stamps, labels etc.; bookblock tender (total 3).