Two titles: (1) De verkoop van opium op Java.
Open brief van dr. L.W.G. de Roo (...) aan dr. H.J.A.M. Schaepman./ Verklaringen van opiumschuivers uit verschillende streken der residentiën Pasoeroean, Besoeki en Rembang. Nijmegen, H.C.A. Thieme, 1892, 2 parts in one volume, 56; 71 p., contemporary half cloth with original front cover pasted to front board, 4to (minor defects to front edge and on the spine).
Rare work in first edition, with the highly interesting second part with accounts of/ interviews with opium users. These supplements are not included in the second edition which appeared that same year. With ex libris "JvA" on the reverse of the title; (2) De kinacultuur in Azië 1854 t/m 1882, door J.C.B. Moens (...). Batavia, Ernst & Co., 1882, (6),XII,393 p., with lithographed map and 33 plates, original gilt and blindstamped cloth, 4to. Preliminary pages incomplete, sold w.a.f. (total 2).