[Printing and paper] Various works
Le livre Belge a gravures. Dr. M. Funck. Paris et Bruxelles, G. van Oest, 1925. Loose in binding + An Introduction to a History of Woodcut. Arthur M. Hind. [2 volumes]. Dover publications, New York, 1963 + The graphic art of Lucas van Leyden 1494-1533. F.W.H. Hollstein. Menno Herzberger, Amsterdam, [c. 1950] + De papiermolens in de provincie Noord-Holland. H. Voorn. Papierwereld, Haarlem, 1960 + 4 more and added: l'Encyclopédie Diderot et d'Alembert. Planches et commentaires. Jacques Proust. Hachette, 1985.
(total 10)