Promotional items pornography 1960s/1970s
Uitgeverij P.J. Muller, Singel 119, Amsterdam. Business card with breast design by Muller and one by Coen van der Linden + stationery (unused, of Nationaal sexvakblad Candy) + catalogue for Broadway 8mm home movies rental, 1969. 52 pp. Mostly pornographic film rental, Turnerstraat 1 Amsterdam with supplements and order card + catalogue Ess-O Produkter, c. 1969 + brochures for Pan San Foo-liefdeselixer and Suleika Versterkingspillen + flyer for Fotografie a colori pornographic photos and slides, c. 1970 + invitation for exhibition "Schülerpornos" zeichnungen zum thema sexualitat, 1971 in Klagenfurt + flyer Visualbooks Catalogo no 1 in 100 libri d'immagine lo zampino di eros, c. 1970. 16 pp. + Ciso supplement. Technisch nieuwsblaadje van de ICAF. Incl. "Tien Jaar Sex-strips in Vogelvlucht" by J. Smet - and several other works.