Imprimatur and Philobiblion
Imprimatur. Ein Jahrbuch für Bücherfreunde. Neue Folge. Band IV-XIII and XV [11 vols. + 2 register vols.]. Siegfried Buchenau. Stefan Soltek [et al.]. Gesellschaft der Bibliophilen Ev. Frankfurt Main, 1965-1994. Numerous articles by German and international authors and illustrations in and outside the text. Without any supplements.
Added: Philobiblion. Eine Zeitschrift für Bücherliebhaber. Herausgegeben und verlegt von Herbert Reichner. Wien, 1928-1935. Years 1928-30 bound. Years 1931-33 in accompanying hard-cardboard wrappers. Year 1934 with 10 nos., year 1935 with 5 nos. Partly with supplements. Incomplete series; filled to the brim with articles, auction and antiquarian news, etc. All vols. and loose issues in very good condition. Sold as viewed. (total 21)