[Netherlands. Brabant] Le Duché de Brabant
qui comprends les quartiers de Louvain, Bruxelles, Anvers, et Bosleduc. Partie Septentrionale. Divisés on leurs principales jurisdictions, la Seigneurie de Malines et le Marquisat du Saint Empire. Sanson. Paris H, Jaillot. 1696. Large folio, composite map of the northern part of Brabant. Antiquely coloured and with additional colouring. Bright colouring (towns with later additional deep red colouring). Leaf 63 x 96 cm. Map 50 x 80 cm.
Double leaf from the Atlas Nouveau by Hubert Jaillot, Paris, 1696. Edges sl. browned and a thin patch in the paper, all outside the map. Very good copy. And another copy of the southern part of Brabant: Partie Meridionale du Duché de Brabant (...) & partie de l'Evesche de Liege. Sanson. Paris, Jaillot, 1692. (total 2)