[Historical newspapers] Haarlemsche Courant. 20 loose editions (1667-1813)
Haarlem: 1x Oprechte Haerlemse Dingsdaegse Courant. No. 31 Abraham Casteleyn, 1667; 1x 1787. Johannes Enschede en Zoonen, Haarlem. 18x 1810-15, idem, and the Bijvoegsel van de Haarlemsche Courant of 8 January 1856 with an overprint of the edition of 8 January 1656. Added: De Distributie in de Gemeente Utrecht. 1917-1919. The complete edition on rationing of food and goods in Utrecht during and after the First World War. 87 copies (uncollated) + Nouvelles de l'Armee. Tydingen van de Armee (May 1813) + an overprint of "The Daily Universal Register" of 1 Jan. 1785 as supplement of the Times of 2 Jan. 1985.
(total 110)