[Insects] Three titles: (1) La flore des insectophiles
précédée d'un discours sur l'utilité des insectes et de l'étude de l'insectologie. Par Jacques Brez. Utrecht, B. Wild and J. Altheer, 1791, XXVI,(2),324,(2) p., very finely bound in contemporary marbled sheepskin, boards with gilt borders and outer edges, spine gilt with morocco letterpiece.
Very fine and well-preserved copy, with stamp of T.Rd. Valleteau de Chabrefy on the reverse of the title. Horn-Schenkling 2439. Early work on the cooperation between plants and insects. From p. 155 on the book is devoted to "Flore insectologique", with lists of plants, trees and bushes which may serve as food and shelter for insects, according to the system of Linnaeus; (2) Käferbuch. Allgemeine und specielle Naturgeschichte der Käfer Europa's. Nebst der Anweisung sie zu sammeln und aufzubewahren. Von dr. C.G. Calwer. Mit 1 schwarzen un 48 colorirten Tafeln. Stuttgart, Krais & Hoffmann, 1858, XXVIII, 788 p., with the 49 lithographed plates as listed, later cloth with pasted original backstrip (title reinforced on reverse). The first edition of this well-known, finely illustrated book, one of the first books devoted entirely to beetles. And with 1 more (Het nut en voordeel der insekten door J.A. Uilkens, 1816, no binding). (total 3)