
LOT 1868

[Egypt] Series of 5 albumen photos,

c. 1880, all ± 20 x 27 cm. (1x upright) and pasted on cardboard holder with description in pen, 32.5 x 41.5 cm.

Holders waterstained and with other defects. Contains: (1) "Gizeh. Remorque par les Bédouins. L'Ascension des Pyramides" (three tourists climb the pyramid with the help of Bedouins); (2) "Village Arabe"; (3) Canal de Suez"; (4) "Groupe de Bédouins"; (5) "Dans le Désert. Arrêt d'une Caravane". Added: a similar photo with a view of Yokohama and a large photo of the steamship Krakatau. (total 7)

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