[Architecture] Lot with 3: Bauernhäuser aus Oberbayern
und angrenzenden Gebieten Tirols. Otto Aufleger. München, L. Werner, 1904. Orig. halfcloth portfolio (41 x 31 cm.) with XVI, 8 text p. and 75 plates with photo engravings (2 of which in colour), loose as issued. A few plates with some staining to margin, else good + Tiroler Volkskunst. Bäuerliche Architektur, Wohnräume, Getäfel, Mobilien, Geräte und Erinnerungszeichen. Nach seinen Originalaufnahmen herausgegeben. Joh. W. Deininger. Innsbrück, Max Sammler, [1909]. Orig. halfcloth portfolio (45 x 31 cm., with ties), with title page, 4 pp. text and 60 plates, loose as issued. Plate II dam., a few plates tender in corner, else good + Das niederländische Bauernhaus und seine Bewohner. J.H. Gallée. Atlas volume. Utrecht, A. Oosthoek, 1908. Orig. halfcloth portfolio (50.5 x 36.5 cm.) with front cover, title page and 63 plates, loose as issued. With inlaid prospectus leaf. One plate stained, else good. Portfolio stained and with traces of use.
(total 3)