[Nova Zembla] (Waerachtighe beschryvinghe van drie seylagien,
ter werelt noyt soo vreemt ghehoort (...) Gedaen door Gerrit de Veer van Amstelredam. Amsterdam, 1598). Series of 9 etched prints from the work, each ± 14 x 21 cm. and with above the print a letterpress Dutch text in 3-6 lines, in mounts. Occ. minimal defects in margins. One print hidden underneath another mount.
Beautiful series of iconic illustrations, issued only two years after the famous adventure of Willem Barentsz in 1596. The prints show the battle against polar bears, the construction of the Behouden Huys, expeditions with sloops and a map of the northern coast of "Lappia". The book by Gerrit de Veer is very rare.