Georges van Raemdonck (1888-1966)
'Het Groeit'. Cartoon in response to the increasing wish for independence in Indonesia. 25 x 32 cm. + 'Waar het Kerkelijke leven bloeit doet het licht des Evangelies ook voor het maatschappelijk leven zijn beginsel stralen en glanzen. (Utrechtse Courant)' + 'Joseph Wauters'*. Print in response to his death in 1929. 25 x 32 cm. All three in India ink with spot colour and intended as 3-column print for De Notenkraker magazine.
Joseph Wauters (1875-1929) founded the first anti-tuberculosis dispensary, became a socialist politician and as a politician achieved in Belgium the introduction of the 8-hour workday and the right to an old age pension. (total 3)