Groenlo, 5x
(1) Grolla Obsessa et Expugnata ab Illustrissimo Frederico Henrico. Matthias Merian, from: Theatrum Europaeum, c. 1650. 27 x 35 cm. (2) Beleg van Grol in den Jaeren MDCXXVII (1627) ... door Franciscus van Schooten, from: Hugo De Groot. Nederlandsche Jaerboeken. 1681. 27 x 34.5 cm. (3) Grol. Vestingplan 1673 door Gualdo Priorato, from: Theatro del Belgio. 32 x 43 cm. (4 and 5) Idem. Belegeringe der Starcke Stadt Groll door Syn Excellentie Fredrick Hendrick, from Teatro Belgico by G. Leti in the edition by W. de Jonge, Amsterdam, 1690.
The fortress plan by Priorata and one of the two Leti prints on thin paper. The other Leti print taped to top centre outside the image. Good copies.