[Drawing. Rembrandt] 11 titles: (1) Wandelingen met Rembrandt in en om Amsterdam.
Door Frits Lugt. Amsterdam, P.N. van Kampen & Zoon, 1915, 168 p., large folding plan of Amsterdam (minor repaired tears), 2 maps of the surroundings of Amsterdam and 108 images on plates, contemporary gilt-lettered halfcloth, 4to (bookplate of the Vereniging Hou en Trou to inside front board).
(2) Catalogus van de Nederlandsche Teekeningen in het Rijksmuseum te Amsterdam door M.D. Henkel. Deel I. Teekeningen van Rembrandt en zijn school. Tweede druk. The Hague, Algemeene Landsdrukkerij, 1943, XIV,(2),108 p., 179 plates, original cloth, 4to. The first edition appeared in 1942, this catalogue with valuable national art possessions was not coincidentally issued during the German occupation; (3) Het landschap van Rembrandt. Wandelingen in en om Amsterdam. Boudewijn Bakker et al. Bussum etc., Thoth etc., 392 p., profusely illustrated, original cloth with dust jacket, 4to. And with 8 more in 9 vols. (total 9)