
LOT 1757
SOLD €300,00

[Hiller. Baldessari. Anderson] Three items: (1) Rough Sea. Susan Hiller 1972-1975.

Published by the Gardner Centre Gallery, University of Sussex, 1976, title page followed by 28 leaves with 56 reproductions of picture postcards, original wrapper, oblong, 11.5 x 17 cm. (traces of label to front cover).

Rare catalogue, issued for the exhibition "Dedicated to the unknown artists" at the Gardner Centre Gallery. Effectively reproductions of a series of picture postcards depicting waves crashing on the coast; (2) Four events and reactions. John Baldessari. Florence, Centro Di, 1975, title page followed by 25 leaves with 48 photographic illustrations, original wrapper, oblong, 12.5 x 18 cm. Centro Di catalogue 62, issued in collaboration with the Sonnabend gallery in Paris. The book contains photoreports of 4 experiments, each report capturing both the experiment and the facial expression of the female participants: 1. Putting a finger in milk; 2. Touching a cactus; 3. Putting out a cigarette; 4. Pushing a plate off a table; (3) Notebook. Laurie Anderson. New York, distributed by Wittenborn Art Books for The Collation Centre, 1977 (printed and bound by Art Craft Press, Mobile, Alabama), printed in 1000 copies, (48) p., with film stills, photos, facsimile text and music scores, original wrapper, oblong, 13.7 x 17.5 cm. (wrapper partly sunned, yet a good copy). Artist Book Series #1. (total 3)

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