De Stijl. Maandblad gewijd aan de moderne beeldende vakken en kultuur.
Edited by Theo van Doesburg. 3rd year. Leiden, (De Stijl), November 1919 - November 1920, 12 nos. with (incorrect) consecutive paging in one volume, 32; 21-28; 41-104 p., with 14 plates (Bijlage I-XIV) after Vantongerloo, Archipenko, Mondriaan, Rietveld, Oud, Picasso and others (Bijlage VII erroneously bound with no. 4). In original blue halfcloth with woodcut vignette by Vilmos Huszár and printed title on spine, 4to.
Very rare complete year in the original binding. Bound without wrappers, almost certainly as intended by the publisher. Contains on p. 49-54 (in no. 6) the "Manifest II van De Stijl 1920" in Dutch, German and French, and on p. 77 (in no. 9) the famous typgraphical poem X-Beelden by I.K. Bonset [= Theo van Doesburg].