
LOT 759
SOLD €60,00

[Germany] 2 titles: (1) Neuester Plan der Stadt Cöln,

mit den Ansichten der bedeutendsten Kirchen und Gebäude der Stadt. Plan pittoresque de la ville de Cologne. Cologne, J. Heinrigs, (c. 1860), steel-engraved plan 36 x 53 cm., folded together with letterpress index book (16) p. between original clothbacked printed boards, 13.5 x 10.5 cm.

Map loose, book partly loose. Lacks ties; (2) David Kapp's New panorama of the Rhine from Mentz to Cologne. Nouveau panorama du Rhin depuis Mayence jusq'à Cologne. Neues Panorama des Rheins von Mainz bis Coeln. Mainz, David Kapp, (c. 1850), lithographed course of the river, leporello in 12 sections, unfolded dimensions 192 x 28 cm., folded between the original clothbacked blue lithographed boards with English and French title, 29 x 17 cm. Title torn and repaired with tape; several repairs to folds with tape (all tape repairs tanned), last section loose. Boards warped and lacks ties. Lot sold w.a.f. (total 2)

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