[Heemstede. Moucheron] Verscheyde schoone en vermaakelyke gezigten van Heemstede,
gelegen in de provincie van Utrecht, na het leven getekent, in in 't koper gebragt door I. Moucheron, en uytgegeven door de Wed.e. Nicolaus Visscher (...)./ Plusieurs belles et plaisante veües et la cour de Heemstede, dans la Province d'Utrecht. Amsterdam, c. 1700, etched title p. (= plate 1) and 23 (of 25) views numbered 2-13 and 15-25 in the plate, with Dutch and French captions below.
Lacks views 14 and 26 ("Het cabinet by de groote Com, met d'Orangerie") and 2 dedication lvs.; all plates trimmed inside the plate mark and mounted (see the note below); title sl. browned. Hollstein 10-35, calling for 26 views and 2 dedication lvs. All mounts with the blindstamped heraldic collector's mark of the Fugger von Glött family (Lugt. 2690, known since 2010). The collection was sold at auction in 1869 and 1873. Views of the "Heerlykheyt Heemstede" by Isaac de Moucheron (1667-1744), published before by Nicolaas Visscher (all prints except the title page with his address in lower margin).