Pop-up books
The Animated Pinocchio, by Marion Merrill. New York, The Citadel Press, 1945. Ring binding with dust jacket. Dedication in pen to title, dust jacket dam. With 3 pop-ups + Peter Pan en relief, de Walt Disney. Agence Française de Presse, 1955. With 5 pop-ups. A few pop-up figures partly loose, else good + Davy Crockett en relief, de Walt Disney. Société Parisienne d'Édition, 1957. With 5 pop-ups. One pop-up figure partly loose, else good + Ali Baba et les quarante voleurs en relief et en musique. Jacques Provins, Michel Mery et al. Mulhouse, Editions Lucos, 1957. With 6 pop-ups - and with another 12 in English, 7 in French and 2 in Italian.
Most in good condition, several incomplete. (total 25)