
LOT 498
SOLD €130,00

[Mathematics] 3 titles: (1) Johannis Hemelings (...) Arithmetisch unnd Geometrisch

nach poetischer Ahrt entworffener Auffgaben. Erstes, andres, dritt- und letztes Dutzens. Hannover, printed by G.F. Grimm for S. Beckenstein and Chr. Gerlach, 1652, (336) p., with many mathematical problems in the text, late 19th-/ early 20th-century marbled cardboard with morocco letterpiece, small 8vo.

Somewhat browned copy, with contemporary owner's name "Von Stockhausen" to title page. Very rare and relatively early work in this field, with the mathematical problems described in rhyme, with the accompanying solutions and often with the names of the people who had submitted the problem. The compiler was a teacher of writing and mathematics in Hannover. The book is dedicated to the mayors of that city and contains at the front laudatory poems by Nicolaus Baring, Johann Rist, Ludolphus von Lüde, etc. And with 2 other works in Dutch (1708 and 1763). (total 3)

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