Nieuw en volkomen woordenboek van konsten en weetenschappen;
Bevattende alle de takken der nuttige kennis, met nauwkeurige beschryvingen, zo van de onderscheidene machines, werktuigen, gereedschappen, figuuren, en ontwerpen dienende om dezelve op te helderen; als meede van (...) dieren, planten, mineraalen, aardgewassen, of vochten; mitsgaders de (...) merkwaardige plaatzen door de geheele waereld. Door Egbert Buys. Amsterdam, J.J. Baalde, 1769-1778, 10 vols., with engraved frontispiece in vol. 1 and altogether 282 engraved plates (1x folding), letterpress tables (1x large folding), contemporary uniform halfcalf, ribbed and gilt back with morocco letterpieces.
Vol. VII not entirely uniformly bound with the other vols. and sl. smaller (originally from another set), paper across boards of this vol. mostly lacking; vol. 2 partly waterstained and with minor wormholes to blank margin; all volume-letterpieces lacking, several vols. with some wear to paper across boards; folding table partly browned and with sm. tear and occ. minor other internal and external defects. This work very often lacks plates, our set with all plates present. Beautiful encyclopedic collection of all knowledge at the time in images and words. (total 10)