[Rotterdam] "De groote, of Sint Laurens kerk te Rotterdam, zooals hy was. 1644"
"Prospectus ecclesiae majoris S. Laurentii Roterdami. 1644". Contemp. handcol. engr. optical print, 30.5 x 41 cm, n.pl., n.publ., (c. 1770).
With unobtrusive closed wormholes in lower left corner; (2) "47e Vue d'Optique Representant La Bourse de Roterdam." "Forum Argentarum Roterodami." Contemp. handcol. engr. optical view, 25 x 38.5 cm, Paris, Daumont, (c. 1770). Partly soiled/ stained; (3) "29e Vüe d'Optique Représentant Les Vaisseaux dans le Port de Roterdam." "Naves in Portu Roterdamensi." Contemp. handcol. engr. optical print after Claude Lorrain, 28 x 37 cm, ibid., idem and with address "F. Basan Excu." (c. 1770). Trimmed on the plate mark; a few tiny tears. (total 3)