[Splendid set] Algemeen huishoudelijk, natuur-, zedekundig- en konst-woordenboek,
Vervattende veele middelen om zijn goed te vermeerderen, en zijne gezondheid te behouden (...). Door M. Noel Chomel. Tweede druk geheel verbetert, en meer als de helfte vermeerdert door J.A. de Chalmot, enz./ Vervolg (...). Leiden/ Leeuwarden, L. le Maire/J.A. de Chalmot, 1778/ 1786-1793, 7/ 9 parts with consecutive paging, 4370/ 6724 p., with engraved frontispiece and 100/ 154 folding plates, finely bound in contemporary uniform halfcalf, spine gilt with 2 contrasting morocco letterpieces, 4to.
Beautiful, untrimmed complete set with only minimal defects. All plates present according to the binder's indices (vol. 5 bound without plate index, but this index is available online). Vol. 7 lacks the plate index too, plates R, S, T and V have been bound facing p. 3876, 3960, 4093 and 4318 and also plates 61-80 are present. No plate indices present in the Vervolg (plates engraved with the numbers of the pages which they should be facing). Here plates numbered I-LIII and plate W present. Characteristic encyclopedic handbook for the complete household of mansions in the 19th century, a fine snapshot of the knowledge of the time, in a rare fine copy.