[Botany. Hyacinths] Des jacintes, de leur anatomie, reproduction et culture.
[By M.H. Marquis de Saint Simon (1720-1799)]. Amsterdam, no publisher (printed by Claas Eel), 1768, 164,(4),15 ("Catalogue des jacintes connues en 1767") p., with engraved title vignette by J. van Hiltrop and 10 folding plates by Jacob van Schley, later halfcalf, gilt spine with morocco letterpiece, 4to.
Occ. foxing, binding with minor defects. Very good copy with very wide margin (on large paper?). Rare. "De belangrijkste aan de Hyacint gewijde monografie (...). Lange tijd is dit boek de voornaamste bron van inlichtingen over de Hyacintenteelt gebleven (...)." (Krelage from p. 612). The catalogue of hyacinth species at the end lists some 2000 species.