[Punk] Koekrand
(Koecrandt, Coekrandt, Koekkrant, Koekrand & Coekrant). Johan van Leeuwen, Diana Ozon, Hugo Kaagman, Dr. Rat. Amsterdams punk magazine. Nos. 13 (Papua Punk), 20, 28, 29, 32, 36, 50, 54, 62, 82, 83, Koekrandt extra Rie the lion to zion, 1979; Koekrand no. 10, 1980, Koekrand Konkurrent maart 1985, Koecrand the secret life of Bwana 5 (unknown no.); cards Rock against Beatrix, Hartelijk gefeliciteerd and Beatrix: Claus bleibt der Herr im Haus (design Diana Ozon); Gretchen Ozon: Meidenwerk gedichten & Verhalen. 2nd ed., 1981. Edition of 400; card De werklozen willen bloed zien. Design Diana Ozon, 1980; set of 8 Graffiti cards, photo José Melo, issued by Hugo Kaagman (a.k.a. Hugo Amarillo, 1984).