[Cologne. Beautiful colour printing] La legende de Sainte Ursule princesse britannique
et de ses onze mille vierges d'après les anciens tableaux de l'église de Sainte Ursule a Cologne. Reproduits en chromolithograpie. Publiée par F. Kellerhoven. Texte par K.B. Dutron. Planche et texte inédits. Paris, Chez L'auteur, n.d. (1860), 218,(2) p., with chromolithographic frontispiece and 21 plates (chromolithographs printed using gold paint) and 1 photographic reproduction, the text of the main part (p. 24-168) provided with profusely wood-engraved borders, finely bound in contemporary gilt halfmorocco, boards with gilt borders and corner fleurons, ribbed and gilt back, all edges gilt, small folio.
Occ. sl. foxed. The numbering of the plates omits 22 as always. Front board partly sl. discoloured. Beautifully executed, rare work using a very impressive colour-printing technique. The lithographs were executed by publisher Franz Kellerhoven (1814-1872) and printed by Hangard-Maugé in Paris. The dating of the work is based on the introduction. This copy is bound with a gold-printed plate printed on both sides: on one side a reproduction of an approving note by the Cologne Ursula church (where the original medieval paintings are kept) dated 1861, on the other side a papal word of thanks dated 1863.