Agnes Canta (1888-1964)
Nederlandsche Spoorwegen. Goederen-vervoer. Amsterdam/ Rotterdam-Twente Vice-Versa. Nieuwe Nachttreinen. Circa 1935. 81 x 60 cm. Lithography NV vh Ellerman & Harms, Amsterdam.
*Canta was the only woman before the Second World War to design posters for the Dutch Railways. After her education at the Academie van Beeldende Kunsten in Rotterdam she worked as a graphic artist, bookbinding designer and visual artist. In the early 1930s she designed many posters for the Utrechtse Jaarbeurs. This assignment was for the design of a poster for night trains to Twente (freight trains). The ports of Amsterdam and Rotterdam were directly linked to the textile industry in Twente. The powerful typography and the almost primary colours ensure a beautiful visual spectacle. (source: