Angehörigen Info
1989-2003: no. 1-98, 100-110, 113-177, 179, 182-224, 226-238, 240-243, 245, 247-257, 260-272 and 274* + 2 brochures of the Angehörige von politischen Gefangenen in der BRD (1982 & 1988) + Info zum Prozess gegen Birgit Hogefeld nos. 6, 9 and 13, 1995-1996 - and another 10 German brochures on trials against political prisoners.
*During the 10th hunger strike of Rote Armee Fraktion prisoners in 1989, family members decided to publish a news bulletin. The first issue appeared on 16 February 1989 under the title Hungerstreik Info. After the hunger strike had ended, the name was changed to Angehörigen Info.