[The Hague] Beschryving van 's Graven-Hage,
behelzende deszelfs oorsprong, benaming, gelegentheid, uitbreidingen, onheilen en luister (...). By Mr. Jacob de Riemer. Delft, R. Boitet/ The Hague, Johannes de Cros, 1730/ 1739, 2 parts in 3 vols., (34),509; (2),511-946,(54); (10),520,78,(20) p., each vol. with title in red and black with engraved vignette, part 1a with engraved frontispiece, engraved dedication and 31 (of 32) (large folding/ double-page) plates (incl. the large profile of one metre in length, folding plans etc.), part 1b with 22 (folding/ double-page) plates, part 2 with engraved dedication and 3 engraved plates, contemporary profusely gilt (nearly) uniform marbled calf, both vols. of the first part with the coat of arms of The Hague on both boards, all edges gilt, folio.
Lacks the view of the Nieuwe Kerk (plate 26 in part 1, facing p. 398); various folding/ double-page plates/ plans with (small) tear; the large profile loose as usual. Bindings sl. worn, both vols. of part 1 damaged on spine ends. Part 2 appeared 9 years after the first part, therefore not entirely uniformly bound (e.g. without the arms). Despite the defects a fine copy on large paper, possibly intended as a gift copy from the city council to important guests. The first and only edition of this standard description of The Hague, very profusely illustrated. (total 3)