Provo/ Maagdenhuis occupation
Archive with 11 Provo pamphlets such as Depressief erotisch panorama in Fantasio/Paradiso; Mobilisatie. Revolutionair Bulletin 1; In Holland staat un huis. Het witte huizen plan and Provo bulletin 'Spaanse provoos' + 10 pamphlets conc. the occupation of the Maagdenhuis, 1969 + posters Bericht vanuit het Maagdenhuis - and 2 more conc. this occupation (all sl. creased/ discoloured) + Provo no. 8, 12, 13 and 14 + no. 5, 1967 God Nederland & Oranje (small water stain) + Image no. 7 and 8 + 2 nos. of de Teleraaf, 1 no. of Het Pariool, article from The Observer Magazine, June 31, 1966, by Lord Reay - and various newspaper articles on Provo and the Maagdenhuis.