[Tirion] Nieuwe Hand-Atlas
Bestaande in eene verzameling van eenige naauwkeurige Landkaarten; Alle in de Nederduitsche Taal en na de alderlaatste ontdekkingen van de L'Isle en anderen opgesteld (...). Amsterdam, Isaak Tirion, 1744. Folio, halfleather with cased boards, illustrated frontispiece (as endpaper), title with printer's mark, table of contents with 50 maps.
Complete with the world map, the 4 classical continents, maps of Asian countries (Indonesia, India, China, Japan etc.), European countries (incl. Russia, Great Britain, Spain, German + partial maps) and the Netherlands (with partial maps). Altogether 50, all in copper engraving and all entirely coloured in contemporary colouring; numbered in ink. Binding shabby and rubbed. Maps in very good condition with here and there mild discolouring to middle fold. A few later maps loosely inserted (not counted).