Bijster + Totems
Bijster. First year, no. 1-6 [= all]. Eds. Remco Campert & Geertjan Lubberhuizen. Amsterdam, 1969, 6 nos., 30 to 33 p., profusely illustrated, original wrappers, folio. Good, complete set of this relatively rare, erotic magazine, with contributions by or on Ed van der Elsken, W.F. Hermans, Hugo Claus, Elsa Botenbauwer, Bob Dylan, Jerzy Kosinsky, R. Crumb, etc. Photos Ed van der Elsken and others + Totems. Tijdschrift waarin opgenomen daele en mep. Year 1 no. 1 and 2 [= all]. Brussels, 1968. Eds. Herman J. Claeys, Jan Emiel Daele and others. Added: Love no. 1 Geschreven door lezers. Amsterdam, 1975. 79 p. Rare magazine to which it was impossible to subscribe; only when your contribution was published did you receive a half year's subscription for free.
(total 9)